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María L. Landlord
No se ha cumplido lo de la primera reserva gratis.
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08.01.2024 Tafira Alta
Kevin S. Tenant
Page keeps refreshing instead of moving forward. Very annouing
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14.11.2023 Lissabon
David R. Landlord
Nem jó a customer care ès telefonos elèrhetõsèg sincs Nem vèdi meg a tulajdonost elèggè a nem jószàndekū berloktol
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10.11.2023 Budapest
Bruno B. Landlord
Guest service fee needs to be known to the landlord. So that landlord can communicate to potential guests. Guest service fee of 15% is ridiculously too high. Also an option for landlord to pay all fees needs to be included.
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05.11.2023 Split
Vikrant H. Tenant
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15.10.2023 Lissabon
Андрей М. Tenant
Не брать комиссию
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10.10.2023 Warschau
Éva F. Tenant
Too complicated, should be more simple.
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01.10.2023 Budapest
Christopher L. Tenant
Let me contact the host directly before asking to book.
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11.09.2023 Prag
Mischa P. Tenant
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04.09.2023 Prag
Jan M. Landlord
Moji nájemníci si opakovaně stěžují na nekomunikaci ze strany Flatio. V případě jakýchkoliv potíží, či dotazů nájemníků Flatio podpora nesplňuje očekávání nájemníků.
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29.08.2023 Prag
Alejandro G. Tenant
no quiero hacer encuestas.
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08.05.2023 Lissabon
Renáta D. Landlord
There should be a policy that allows landlords to get rid of horrible tenants. I was forced to have my first tenant even after a huge dispute that she caused to get some money back, and she did not want to leave even after I offered mutual termination of the contract. She caused me a lot of problems throughout her stay, and I just had to accept it. She left my flat dirty and damaged, and now Flatio does not pay for the cleaning. Problematic process, a nightmare for landlords. Why is the landlord expected to pay for 25% of the damage? This does not make any sense.
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18.08.2023 Budapest
Anton V. Tenant
The very big problem is a fee. I'm an Ukrainian and saw 50% off. How to use it I didn't know. Made reservation at night and had no answer from support. So paid full price, then in several weeks got those 50% back. Well, ok. But then I made second reservation... and again the same system. I'm still Ukrainian. Why do I need to write every time? I would recommend lower fee for long stays or for extension. Your service helps to find landlords and that's all. If we meet, we can continue without you... Well, we did it and you don't get money anymore. Just because of high prices. I could pay some euros for comfortable mailing, payment and contract system. But pay hundreds... No, thanks.
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01.08.2023 Prag
Marta M. Landlord
O contrato devia defender mais os proprietarios. No meu caso tinha uma reserva de 1 ano e o inquilino desistiu no primeiro mes nao me pagando a renda devida.
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30.07.2023 Lissabon
Vladimir G. Tenant
no options for discussion
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27.07.2023 Prag
Marnia B. Tenant
Service charge of £200. Other sites don’t need. Save your money, book elsewhere or directly through an agency.
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23.07.2023 Funchal
Noor D. Tenant
Ensure that descriptions / pictures / dates & rates are accurate. We got rejected multiple times because the price on the website were wrong. It was extremely difficult. And the host made 0 effort to make another offer that i had to contact Flatio’s customer service. Was very strange for us to try so hard to book something. Also make sure the apartments are up to standard! Cause that was also another reason why we will never recommend flatio or use it again.
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17.07.2023 Malaga
Dipika S. Tenant
I would appreciate if you can give me my money back. I have request open (#170283) for last three weeks and you aren't giving me my money back.
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13.07.2023 Lissabon
Jim Z. Tenant
My requests keep getting denied and every time I get denied I have to sign up a new email for the first time discount code. I've gotten denied and after I get denied my coupon also gets denied
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22.05.2023 Lissabon
Thomas S. Tenant
Very poor and not tenant friendly.
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18.06.2023 Prag
Vitaly S. Tenant
map filtering is abysmal
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05.06.2023 Alcochete
Kara G. Tenant
I have only had 2 Flatio experiences. One was okay and the other was terrible. Not the best track record. I think you did your best to handle the situation with Maribel, but it wasn't enough. Maribel suggested herself early contract termination and agreed IN WRITING MULTIPLE TIMES TO MULTIPLE PEOPLE (including someone who works for your company) to the agreement, then just went back on her word. Do better to support your customers or you won't have any here soon. I do not recommend this company to anyone and won't be using your services again.
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30.05.2023 Malaga
C G. Tenant
Ten years of data collection is horrifying. Be better.
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10.05.2023 Prag
Nadezhda P. Tenant
Out of 5 requests, it was never possible to rent an apartment with your service
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10.05.2023 Portimão