Karte des Besitzers Petr - Flatio
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Petr K.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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One-bedroom apartment, Záběhlice - Zahradní Město

Bewertet am: 19.02.2024 Length of stay: 5 Monaten

Petr is an amazing landlord. He welcomed my friend and I wonderfully and was always ready to assist our needs. The house is not only made by the walls but also by those who manage it and Petr, in his task, is the best!

the neighborhood is very nice and quiet, close to all necessary services such as supermarkets and gyms

Recommended places nearby
The gym is really good!

tenant photo

Giulia B.

Neighborhood safety
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Public transport

Nice apartment in a family house

Bewertet am: 12.09.2023 Length of stay: 3 Monaten

Petr was always easily reachable and helpful with every matter regarding my accomodation, I would clearly recommend him.

Almost like you are in the countryside, just with more opportunities, but the neighborhood is extremely safe, calm and quiet. Also, very close to the nature.

tenant photo

Attila T.

Neighborhood safety
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Public transport

One-bedroom apartment, Záběhlice - Zahradní Město

Bewertet am: 01.04.2022 Length of stay: 26 Tagen

All was great.Apartment is fully equipped and Petr is very good person.Petr,thanks again for toys for our child!

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Anna M.

Neighborhood safety
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Public transport

One-bedroom apartment, Záběhlice - Zahradní Město

Bewertet am: 23.02.2018 Length of stay: 25 Tagen

Byt je hezky zařízen a s možnosti parkování před domem. Myslím, ze v létě by naše zkušenost byla o moc příjemnější, byt je diky umístění v suterénu dost temný a mírně vlhký. Majitel je vstřícný a ochotný. Celkově bych byt doporučila návštěvníkům se staršími dětmi či bez.

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Olga C.

Neighborhood safety not rated
Services nearby not rated
Public transport not rated

Über mich
Hello, let me indroduce myself. We are a family living in a neighbour house, in the house, where the apartment is located is our office. We are civil engineers and architects. We are looking forward to know you.
technical sciences, 3D print, flying with RC aircraft

Zuletzt online
2 Monaten
Registrierung zu Flatio
Juli 2017

Petr ist geprüfter Besitzer.
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